"I give my time to EIS because every child is important and deserves an equal chance to succeed in life."
— Cindie M.
We need your help!
There are few experiences as rewarding as making a difference in the life of a child. It would be impossible for us to help over 10,000 families each year without the hard work and generosity of our volunteers. We have diverse volunteer opportunities for everyone from five to ninety-five. Whether you want to volunteer as an individual, family, church group, corporate group, or anything in between, there is something for you to do at EIS.
Individual opportunities
The majority of our volunteers come one day a week and work as a Boutique Attendant, an Interviewer, or a Donation Processor. Whether you are looking to volunteer once or twice or become a regular volunteer, we have a place for you in our community!
Processing volunteers sort and organize donations for the Boutique, while maintaining a neat and orderly processing room and Boutique space. Processors may be asked to assist with bagging diapers and stocking food shelves.
As an interviewer, you will meet with families one-on-one to identify their needs, connect them with other area resources, collect their paperwork, and gather up the needed items for the family.
This opportunity requires a little training before you are able to work one-on-one with families, but it is well worth the commitment!
Boutique attendant
Boutique Attendants help keep the clothing and toy area clean, while assisting families with finding what they need for each of their children.
group opportunities
Volunteer groups help with tasks like organizing donations, bagging diapers, restocking supplies, and processing clothing. This is perfect for families, friends, corporate groups, and those who would like a volunteer opportunity without a weekly commitment.
Weekday groups generally visit between 9am and 5pm but after hours visits may be available upon request. Let us know if your group would like schedule a time to come help out!
EIS hosts weekend work days that typically occur two Saturdays a month from 10am to 1pm. Gather up some friends and spend a few hours helping our team!